I actually remember being on the beach with uncles still sitting in shirts and trousers in 25 degreestanned hands and faces
my mams family all had dark skin like my mam but still spent very little time in the actual sun.. I've put suncream on while on this holiday and missed a spot on my upper arms where you could see my skin was bare and red so I covered up the next day so not to burn as I hate the discomfort... The beach is full of badly burnt people still try to get more sun and damaging the skin cells... Every time you create a damaged area the likelihood goes up of a mutation and posible skin cancer.. I don't worry too much all I do is protect myself from burning as much as possible while I enjoy the gorgeous sunshine.. Life is full of risks and I have no interest in eliminating all of them
The only memory of my grandad was him sitting in a deckchair in our back garden in Fleetwood with his sleeves and trouser legs rolled up. My other one died before I was born, but his wife, my grandma was olive skinned.