Climate Change (Global Warming) 🥶🌍🌞

Couldn't sleep so was up till stupid am this morning. Watching sky and the firework display in lebanon (fuckers don't know it isn't the 5th of November yet) and after they went on to talk about hurricance season in the states/carribean.

One part was showing the named hurricance's and as quick as a yorkshireman going to the loo when its his round they said " So far we've had 9 and not the predicted 19 to 27 and the season is nearly over" before wizzing onto blah blah blah climate change.

'Perilous' future of one of UK's highest roads as officials warn of 'cataclysmic landslip'​

Snake Pass is one of the highest roads in the UK built on historic shale landslip deposits. Because of this, it poses a big problem for Derbyshire County Council.

Bloody hell, they didn't blame Global Warming Climate Change' !!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Oh, hang on a minute: :unsure::unsure::unsure: they are blaming it on Global Cooling Climate Change 🥶🥶🥶🤷‍♂️

They shared that the route is in a constant state of slipping and that "interventions" are needed every six to 12 months rather than the previous gap of eight years. This is due to the increased bouts of heavy rain and snow from climate change.
Shocking, how can we live with ourselves :oops:

Verdict? :unsure: what a stupid Guinness he is 🤷‍♂️

Alistair Brownlee issues stark warning after Paris Olympics controversy​

Alistair Brownlee warned that climate change will soon make triathlon impractical in its current form.

At the Paris Olympics, triathletes were plunged into a debate about the degradation of water quality and rising global temperatures. With global heating making temperatures 3C warmer, the two-time Olympic gold medallist foresees that his sport will soon have to change or be changed.
Yet more Guinnesss 🤷‍♂️

Alien civilizations are probably killing themselves from climate change, bleak study suggests​

It may take less than 1,000 years for an advanced alien civilization to destroy its own planet with climate change, even if it relies solely on renewable energy, a new model suggests.

The new research was posted to the preprint database arXiv and is in the process of being peer-reviewed. (by more Guinnesss) 👀
They will soon be able to afford their own Navy and Air Force 🤣

Falklands crisis erupts as islands release defiant statement to the UK over £4bn oil field​

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They will soon be able to afford their own Navy and Air Force soon 🤣

Falklands crisis erupts as islands release defiant statement to the UK over £4bn oil field​

It'll be Argentina's oil soon when Labour give the islands "back" (to a country that never owned them in the first place). Starmer and Lammy have just ceded the Chagos islands to Mauritius (a country that never owned them in the first place) without any Parliamentary debate.
Mauritius is an ally of China and India. Wait for Mauritius to close the UK military base on the Islands on the orders of Beijing who will then install one of their own. Shouldn't be a long wait. Just enough time for the ink to dry on the handover treaty I would imagine
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It'll be Argentina's oil soon when Labour give the islands "back" (to a country that never owned them in the first place). Starmer and Lammy have just ceded the Chagos islands to Mauritius (a country that never owned them in the first place) without any Parliamentary debate.
Mauritius is an ally of China and India. Wait for Mauritius to close the UK military base on the Islands on the orders of Beijing who will then install one of their own. Shouldn't be a long wait. Just enough time for the ink to dry on the handover treaty I would imagine
For S&Gs, the UK should announce that it is giving the British Indian Ocean Territory (Diego Garcia) back to its former inhabitants.

Now that is a shitstorm I'd pay to watch.
This is just funny :ROFLMAO: Researcher at worlds most controversial climate change facility (home of climategate) says we need solar farms to electrify everything, leader of council says nah, load of old bollocks

Another pencil-necked prick who's salary relies on there being a climate issue.
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