Conspiracy theories, who starts them and why?

The interesting thing is with these common stories of missing geniuses, they never seem to leave any of their research or theories behind. My mates mates cousins sister father in law heard of someone who invented an electric car that had such good regenerative capability that it made more power than it used! But he was offered money for the patent and it was never heard of again!

I have heard that story a few times now although it has alternately been a rotary or a hydrogen powered…..bla bla bla…
So these stories smack of bullshit mostly because…
Coincidence 👀👀👀

Coincidence 👀👀👀

yup totally - nothing going on what so ever

On more than one occasion, damn it Janet :giggle:
The Avondale picture theatre in Auckland played the RHPS every friday night at midnight for something like 20yrs. They always got a crowd, many dressed for the occasion, and if you knew what you were doing you took; rice, toast, a loaded water pistol and a newspaper. It was very very fun, loud and boisterous! Even us heteros enjoyed the fuck outta it!
Many people confuse and conflate the ideas behind "conspiracy theory" and "convergency theory".

The end products of conspiracy and convergency often look the same but the mechanics are different.

Just sayin'.
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